Photo: Tommy Eure
WTVT employees wait for JFK's motorcade to pass by the studios on Grand Central Ave. Joe Wiezycki runs the Channel 13 camera positioned atop the portico.

WTVT mounted a camera atop the studio to broadcast the action as JFK's motorcade passed in front. Their large mobile unit was posted closer to downtown for coverage moments later as it passed there. Channel 8's mobile unit picked up the action at the Ft. Homer Hesterly Armory, covering the President's arrival as he turned southbound, which would have been against normal traffic flow, on the one-way north Howard Avenue and then pulled into the entrance on the south side of the building. WFLA fed video and sound to WTVT in-kind of the Presidents full appearance inside. WFLA staff announcer Sam Latimer was chosen to narrate the cooperative effort.